Mechanical Properties of a Composite Formed from Bamboo Granules and Glass Fiber

Satish Kumar*, Harvinder Singh**, Swarn Singh***, Aneesh Goyal****
*-**** Chandigarh Group of Colleges, Landran, Mohali, Punjab, India.
Periodicity:July - September'2024


As an environmentally friendly engineering material, bamboo powder-reinforced polyethylene (PE) composite was created, and its mechanical properties were investigated. To enhance the attachment of bamboo powder to the polyethylene matrix, the composite material was made compatible with maleic anhydride-grafted polyethylene (MAPE). There is a significant demand for HDPE products worldwide. Glass fiber composites and bamboo powder are currently being produced as part of a green technology research initiative. Furthermore, these materials are inexpensive, low-density, highly specialized, and environmentally friendly. The matrix for this experiment was made from high-density polyethylene mixed with glass fiber and bamboo powder. Compression molding was applied to each sample. The mechanical characteristics of the samples were examined and described after pretreatment. The mass ratios of glass fiber, bamboo powder, and polymers were all considered while making the specimens. According to the findings of flexural and compressive testing, the use of glass fiber and bamboo powder improves the mechanical properties. The results suggest that BP/GF/HDPE polymer composites could have applications in the construction industry for stress-bearing sheets, films, and pipes.


Bamboo powder, HDPE composite, Mechanical properties, Polymer reinforcement, Compressive strength.

How to Cite this Article?

Kumar, S., Singh, H., Singh, S., and Goyal, A. (2024). Mechanical Properties of a Composite Formed from Bamboo Granules and Glass Fiber. i-manager’s Journal on Mechanical Engineering, 14(3), 38-43.


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