Optimizing Multigenerational Renewable Energy Systems Through Integrated Geothermal and Wind Energy Solutions

Kanaga Bharathi Nageswaran*
Periodicity:July - September'2024


In order to effectively tackle the increasing energy demands resulting from urbanization, modernization, and economic activities, it is imperative to develop novel solutions that simultaneously mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and meet energy needs. This study investigates the feasibility of integrating wind and geothermal energy sources to enhance the efficacy and effectiveness of multigenerational renewable energy systems. The article investigates the application of a geothermal-wind hybrid system in order to maximize the efficacy of the Kalina cycle, demonstrating significant improvements in both energy and exergy utilization. Case Study 2 conducts a sensitivity analysis to evaluate the system's performance, providing critical information pertaining to wind velocities and thermal efficiencies. This research emphasizes the importance of thorough modeling and optimization, in addition to the potential of incorporating renewable energy sources to drive progress in sustainable energy.


Geothermal Energy, Wind Energy, Kalina Cycle, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Integration

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