Interactive gaming system highlights the significance of respiratory health for general wellbeing and points out that a lot of people have irregular breathing patterns as a result of sedentary lifestyles, stress, and respiratory diseases like asthma. It is emphasized that controlled breathing exercises can increase lung capacity, lower anxiety, and improve oxygen intake. Furthermore, determining the pH of exhaled breath condensate (EBC) can reveal information about lung inflammation, with lower EBC pH levels perhaps signifying inflammatory lung diseases. Despite the advantages of breathing techniques, people frequently don't follow through on them. The concept offers a game-based, interactive solution to this problem that promotes lung diaphragm workouts. The breathing exercises are made more interesting by this approach, which uses inhaled and exhaled air pressure as game inputs. The suggested system offers a novel method of evaluating respiratory health by combining hardware and software to continuously monitor EBC pH values. This application provides users with useful feedback and may help in the early detection of respiratory conditions by analyzing pH levels to determine whether lung function is within normal or abnormal ranges. This strategy combines interactive technology and health monitoring to enhance lung health management and respiratory exercise compliance.