Investigation of composition of Titanium Material after Anodizing

Rakesh Kumar*
Periodicity:Jan - June'2024


Titanium alloy is widely used in the biomedical sector due to its corrosion resistance, excellent mechanical properties, and biocompatibility. Anodizing is a surface treatment process known to improve the bioactivity of titanium alloys. In the current investigation, a Ti-Al-V sample was used to study the effects of anodizing on the material composition after the anodizing process. Microstructure analysis was performed on the same sample to examine the material structure and grain formation. The results showed minor changes in the elemental composition of the material after anodizing, but these changes fall within the acceptable limits as per the standard. Additionally, SEM results reveal finely distributed beta particles within the alpha grain matrix. Thus, this study provides valuable insights into the effects of anodizing on the surface characteristics of titanium alloy, which can be useful for optimizing its performance in biomedical applications.


Anodizing, microstructure, Titanium alloy

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