Advancements in MEMS Gyroscopes: Piezoelectric Plate-Based Devices for Enhanced Precision and Stability in Microelectromechanical Systems

Ushaa Eswaran*
Periodicity:January - March'2025


In recent years, Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) gyroscopes have gained significant attention due to their compact size, low cost, and versatility in various applications, ranging from consumer electronics to aerospace and automotive systems. Among the different MEMS gyroscope designs, piezoelectric plate-based gyroscopes have emerged as a promising solution for achieving high sensitivity and precision in angular rate measurements. This paper explores the latest advancements in MEMS gyroscope technology, with a particular focus on the design, working principles, and potential applications of piezoelectric plate-based gyroscopes. We address current challenges in this field, including accuracy, stability, and thermal performance, while presenting a detailed analysis of the mechanical and electrical characteristics of piezoelectric gyroscopes. Through a series of experiments and mathematical formulations, we propose solutions to enhance the performance of MEMS gyroscopes under varying operational conditions. Finally, we present a case study demonstrating the application of piezoelectric MEMS gyroscopes in real-world scenarios, such as automotive safety systems and drone navigation, highlighting their impact on precision measurement technology.


MEMS Gyroscope, Piezoelectric Plate, Angular Velocity, Coriolis Effect, Sensing Technology, Thermal Stability, Micro-Scale Devices, Gyroscope Calibration, Vibration Control, Sensing Systems.

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