General Problem Faced by Working Women in the Soceity

Anusya A.*
Periodicity:July - December'2024


In India working women faces many problems. Over the years, there have been significant challenges regarding to the working women. India’s economy is growing rapidly which has profound effects on working women’s lives in India. The objectives of the studies are i) to identified the challenges faced by the working women ii) find out the Satisfaction level of job of working women in kanniyakumari district. The data were collected from the working women in the field of nursing, post office workers and teachers in Kanniyakumari district using convenience sampling method. The size of the sample selected for the present study is 90. The findings reveals that there is no significant difference among the position of work with respect to challenges faced by the working women and 21 percentage of the working women are dis satisfied with their work. The study concluded that, the women employees must know their companies’ policies about sexual harassment, they must come forward to report about the incidents without any fear, then only sexual harassment can be prevented.


Working women, Problems, Workplace, Sexual harassment, Satisfaction of job.

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