In today's intensely competitive environment organizations must secure a high customer satisfaction in order to survive. This requires identifying customers and properly understanding their needs. However, targeting the customer is not that easy as the businesses have massive data and this requires properly analyzing and dealing with data. Moreover, old forecasting method appears to be no obvious advantage in try to find the individual for every item and no longer adaptable for any business condition. Data mining is powerful technique which can serve the purpose. Data mining is automated extraction of data from large databases. Data mining offers several techniques such as attribute relevance analysis, decision tree, clustering, prediction, etc for the task and thus to this end, this paper suggests the use of data mining techniques of attribute relevance analysis and decision tree for prediction.


Using Data Mining For Prediction: A Conceptual Analysis

Durgesh M. Sharma*, Ashish K. Sharma**, Sangita A. Sharma***
*-**-*** Assistant Professor, Manoharbhai Patel Institute of Engineering & Technology (MIET), Gondia, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2013


 In today's intensely competitive environment organizations must secure a high customer satisfaction in order to survive. This requires identifying customers and properly understanding their needs. However, targeting the customer is not that easy as the businesses have massive data and this requires properly analyzing and dealing with data. Moreover, old forecasting method appears to be no obvious advantage in try to find the individual for every item and no longer adaptable for any business condition. Data mining is powerful technique which can serve the purpose. Data mining is automated extraction of data from large databases. Data mining offers several techniques such as attribute relevance analysis, decision tree, clustering, prediction, etc for the task and thus to this end, this paper suggests the use of data mining techniques of attribute relevance analysis and decision tree for prediction.


Data Mining, Prediction, Customers, Decision Tree, Attribute Relevance Analysis.

How to Cite this Article?

Sharma, D.M, Sharma, A.K and Sharma, S.A (2013). Using Data Mining For Prediction: A Conceptual Analysis. i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology, 2(1), 1-9.


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