The integration of technology throughout the curriculum is important to meet the needs of all learners of the 21st century. Technology can assist teachers with the delivery of lessons and assessing students. It can also provide students with numerous ways to demonstrate their learning, increase engagement in the learning process, and help to meet the many learning needs of students within a classroom. As there are rapid changes in technology, it is difficult to identify expectations of specific sites, hardware or software that should be included in the written, taught, and tested curriculum. Curriculum provides medium of interaction between the teachers and the students. A teacher is expected to infuse successfully the knowledge of technology integration into his/her subjected area to make learning meaningful. Educational systems all over the world are changing rapidly due to knowledge explosion. So the present education should be readjusted and reshaped in keeping pace with different factors emerging today. This would lead the learners as lifelong learners. This presentation focuses on the uses of technology integration to frame the Curriculum. The written curriculum should encourage teachers to be co-learners or guides rather than the sole dispenser of knowledge with the students as the vessels to be filled. Even more traditional lessons can be enhanced with technology.


Technology Integration in Curriculum Progress to Meet Knowledge Explosion

D. R. Robert Joan*, S.P. Denisia**, Y. Sheeja***
* Assistant Professor, M.E.T. College of Education, Chenbagaramanputhoor.
** Principal, College of Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi.
***Assistant Professor, M.E.T. College of Education, Chenbagaramanputhoor.
Periodicity:December - February'2013


The integration of technology throughout the curriculum is important to meet the needs of all learners of the 21st century. Technology can assist teachers with the delivery of lessons and assessing students. It can also provide students with numerous ways to demonstrate their learning, increase engagement in the learning process, and help to meet the many learning needs of students within a classroom. As there are rapid changes in technology, it is difficult to identify expectations of specific sites, hardware or software that should be included in the written, taught, and tested curriculum. Curriculum provides medium of interaction between the teachers and the students. A teacher is expected to infuse successfully the knowledge of technology integration into his/her subjected area to make learning meaningful. Educational systems all over the world are changing rapidly due to knowledge explosion. So the present education should be readjusted and reshaped in keeping pace with different factors emerging today. This would lead the learners as lifelong learners. This presentation focuses on the uses of technology integration to frame the Curriculum. The written curriculum should encourage teachers to be co-learners or guides rather than the sole dispenser of knowledge with the students as the vessels to be filled. Even more traditional lessons can be enhanced with technology.


Curriculum, Technology Integration, Curriculum Integration, Classroom, Curriculum Progress, Knowledge Explosion, Educational Technology, Technological Explosion, 21st Century Learning, 21st Century Expectations, E-Education, Information Technology, Evaluation.

How to Cite this Article?

Joan,D.R.R., Denisia,S.P., and Sheeja,Y. (2013). Technology Integration In Curriculum Progress To Meet Knowledge Explosion.i-manager’s Journal on School Education Technology, 8(3), 23-31.


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