Gas Pollutants like CO2, SO2, CO, CH4 ... are posing a threat to the human lives by inducing health problems. A check over these toxic gases around us is possible with the development of small handheld sensor devices. This paper deals with a MEMS based sensor using the principle of peizoresistivity. Here a simple MEMS structure was designed for providing the mechanical structure in the form of a cantilever. This structure having been released from the substrate will be free to move in its free end and immovable at the fixed end. Then the selectivity of the gas molecules is achieved by using the affinity chemicals, which would selectively adsorb the gas molecules, here the selectivity of CO2 will be dealt and it was achieved by using Tin Oxide. The Molecular weight of CO2 is 44.01g/mol and this results in the increase of cantilever stress causing a deflection at the free end and this inturn form a stress at the fixed end, this is measured using the peizoresistive material embedded on the cantilever. Thus the quantity of CO2 present in the atmosphere will determine the resistance and thereby giving an electrical output which could be easily conditioned based on our requirement.


Mems Mass Based Cantilever Gas Sensor Using Peizoresistive Principle

S. Subhashini*, A. Vimala Juliet**
* Research Scholar, Sathyabama University, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
** HOD, EIE, SRM University, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2013


Gas Pollutants like CO2, SO2, CO, CH4 ... are posing a threat to the human lives by inducing health problems. A check over these toxic gases around us is possible with the development of small handheld sensor devices. This paper deals with a MEMS based sensor using the principle of peizoresistivity. Here a simple MEMS structure was designed for providing the mechanical structure in the form of a cantilever. This structure having been released from the substrate will be free to move in its free end and immovable at the fixed end. Then the selectivity of the gas molecules is achieved by using the affinity chemicals, which would selectively adsorb the gas molecules, here the selectivity of CO2 will be dealt and it was achieved by using Tin Oxide. The Molecular weight of CO2 is 44.01g/mol and this results in the increase of cantilever stress causing a deflection at the free end and this inturn form a stress at the fixed end, this is measured using the peizoresistive material embedded on the cantilever. Thus the quantity of CO2 present in the atmosphere will determine the resistance and thereby giving an electrical output which could be easily conditioned based on our requirement.


MEMS, Gas Sensor, Peizoresistivity, stress.

How to Cite this Article?

Subhashini, S., and Juliet, A.V. (2013). MEMS Mass Based Cantilever Gas Sensor Using Piezoresistive Principle. i-manager’s Journal on Electronics Engineering, 3(2), 33-37.


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