Steam power generation is one of the most important energy productions in the world and needs to be improved to reduce the greenhouse effect while increasing electricity production. This paper deals with the energy, exergy, and exergoeconomic analysis of a steam-generating solar power plant. A general methodology is presented to define and calculate the exergy efficiency, exergy destruction, exergoeconomic factors, total costs, improvement potentials, and exergy costs in thermal systems. The methodology is based on a specific exergy cost approach and a sensitivity cost analysis. The thermodynamic properties of the working fluid are determined using THERMAX and MATLAB software packages. For the considered normal operating and economic conditions, the percentage of exergy destruction relative to the total exergy destruction and potential improvement of the boiler was found to be the highest at 86% and 85.3%, respectively. The exergoeconomic coefficient of the system is calculated with a value of 0.52. The total cost of exergy losses is $5939.6 per hour. Furthermore, the results of the solar direct evaporation analysis show that the behavior of the exergoeconomic coefficient in January and July was calculated with values of 0.64 and 0.34, respectively. The total costs are $3010.4 and $5480 per hour, respectively. Obtaining specific values and clear parameter influences is a valuable achievement and helps field engineers and operators effectively perform their individual tasks while taking into account the conflicts between energy consumption, exergy and costs.