The Effectiveness of GeoGebra Assisted Learning on Students' Mathematical Representation: A Meta-Analysis Study

Ryan Angga Pratama*, Sedat Kanadli**
*-** Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Mersin University, Mersin, Turkey.
Periodicity:July - September'2024


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of GeoGebra-assisted learning on students' mathematical representation through a meta-analysis study and possible moderator variables to moderate it. Experimental studies were obtained from Google Scholar and ERIC databases and then included in this meta-analysis study were 23 studies that met the inclusion criteria. The effect sizes were combined according to the Random Effects Model (REM). Based on the calculation using CMA v3 and R Studio (Meta Package), the overall effect size was calculated as 1.144,95% [.890, 1.397]. Furthermore, the application of GeoGebra-assisted learning to improve students' mathematical representation ability is also influenced by students' demographics (Sumatra Island) (Q = 7.874 > χ2, p < .05). However, the application of GeoGebra-assisted learning to improve students' mathematical representation skills was not influenced by variables such as experimental design (Q = .306 < χ2, p > .05), independent variables (Q = 1.438 < χ2, p > .05), publication type (Q = .674 < χ2, p > .05), education level (Q = 1.619 < χ2, p > .05), subject matter (Q = 3.330 < χ2, p > .05), meeting duration (Q = .25 < χ2, p > .05), and sample size (Q = .53 < χ2, p > .05). Based on these results, it can be said that GeoGebra-assisted learning has a strong positive effect on students' mathematical representation when compared to learning without GeoGebra (conventional).


GeoGebra-Assisted Learning, Mathematical Representation, Meta-Analysis, Effect Size, Effectiveness, Moderator Variables.

How to Cite this Article?

Pratama, R. A., and Kanadli, S. (2024). The Effectiveness of GeoGebra Assisted Learning on Students' Mathematical Representation: A Meta-Analysis Study. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 21(2), 41-59.


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