The literature reflects that little effort has been made to develop a framework for understanding the effect of e-marketing (EM) on the marketing performance of business enterprises. The main objectives of the study are developing propositions and theoretical framework constructions rather than theory testing. The author, thus, synthesizes the extant knowledge on the subject by providing foundation for future research by developing propositions and constructing an integrated framework that includes the antecedents and consequences of e-marketing implementation. More specifically, the author identified two important classes of variables that encourage or impede the adoption and implementation of e-marketing namely external and internal related variables and impact EM has over the marketing efficiency, effectiveness and performance on the Medium and Large Business Enterprises in developing countries a case of Ethiopia. The author also indicated the managerial implications in the competitive marketing environment. Finally, the conclusions and further research scopes are forwarded.


The Effect of E-Marketing on the Marketing Performance of Medium and Large Business Enterprises in Ethiopia: a conceptual Model Development

Temesgen Belayneh Zerihun*
Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing Management, College of Business and Economics, Mekelle University, Mekelle, Ethiopia.
Periodicity:December - February'2013


The literature reflects that little effort has been made to develop a framework for understanding the effect of e-marketing (EM) on the marketing performance of business enterprises. The main objectives of the study are developing propositions and theoretical framework constructions rather than theory testing. The author, thus, synthesizes the extant knowledge on the subject by providing foundation for future research by developing propositions and constructing an integrated framework that includes the antecedents and consequences of e-marketing implementation. More specifically, the author identified two important classes of variables that encourage or impede the adoption and implementation of e-marketing namely external and internal related variables and impact EM has over the marketing efficiency, effectiveness and performance on the Medium and Large Business Enterprises in developing countries a case of Ethiopia. The author also indicated the managerial implications in the competitive marketing environment. Finally, the conclusions and further research scopes are forwarded.


E-Marketing, E-Marketing Implementation, Marketing Performance, E-Business.

How to Cite this Article?

Temesgen Belayneh Zerihun (2013). The Effect of E-Marketing on the Marketing Performance of Medium and Large Business Enterprises in Ethiopia: A Conceptual Model Development. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 7(3), 41-46.


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