Psalms: Lessons in Values, Leadership, and Character for Today

Hershey H. Friedman*, James A. Lynch**
* Director of Business Programs, Finance and Business Management Dept. School of Business Brooklyn College City University, New York.
** Assistant Professor of Business and Law, Department of Finance and Business Management, School of Business Brooklyn College, City University, New York.
Periodicity:December - February'2013


There is a growing belief that education – kindergarten through twelfth grades (K-12) as well as higher education – has to focus on teaching students values, intellectual virtues, and character education. These values include integrity, conscientiousness, curiosity, determination, resilience, and self-confidence.  The authors demonstrate how Psalms with its inspiring and rousing hymns can be used to teach important values to people.  These values include perseverance, faith, concern for others, and the power of hope.  Even leaders should read Psalms for inspiration and as a way to understand the importance of moral leadership.  This paper examines several of the most powerful statements in Psalms and demonstrates how they provide guidance and inspiration.


Ethics, Leadership, Bible, Psalms, Righteous Person.

How to Cite this Article?

Hershey H. Friedman and James A. Lynch (2013). Psalms: Lessons in Values, Leadership, and Character for Today. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 7(3), 1-11.


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