The Occupational Directness of Nanorobots in Medical Surgeries

Atheena Milagi Pandian S.*, Rashika Murugan**, Krithina P. D.***, Kriya Sakthi M.****
*-**** Atheenapandian Organization, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:April - June'2024


The incorporation of nanotechnology into the field of medicine is on the brink of bringing about a significant transformation in surgical procedures. Notable advancements in surgical nanorobots hold the promise of delivering improved levels of precision and functionality. In this comprehensive examination, we delve into recent progress and future trajectories in the domain of surgical nanorobots, with particular emphasis on advancements seen in biological and diamondoid-based nanorobots, computational nanomechatronics, and various techniques employed in nanomanufacturing. This discourse highlights key areas such as the evolutionary journey of nanorobots towards more intricate designs, the incorporation of intelligent materials into their structure, and the strides being made in the development of sophisticated targeting and navigation systems. Furthermore, the discussion extends to exploring the potential applications of nanorobots in minimally invasive surgeries and tele-operated procedures, emphasizing their crucial roles in tasks such as controlled drug release, actuation and mobility mechanisms, and the integration of cutting- edge sensing technologies. Novel approaches, including self-assembly processes, swarm robotics strategies, and the utilization of energy harvesting mechanisms, are thoroughly analyzed, highlighting their pivotal roles in enhancing the efficacy and autonomy of these miniature devices. Moreover, the narrative also addresses the various challenges that lie ahead and potential future pathways in materials engineering, targeting methodologies, diagnostic tools, and the seamless integration of nanorobots with the existing landscape of medical technologies. It is evident that, with the continuous stream of advancements being made, surgical nanorobots are poised to bring about a paradigm shift in patient care, ushering in unparalleled levels of precision and therapeutic capabilities.


Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials, Nanorobots, Medical Surgeries.

How to Cite this Article?

Pandian, S. A., Murugan, R., Krithina, P. D., and Sakthi, M. K. (2024). The Occupational Directness of Nanorobots in Medical Surgeries. i-manager’s Journal on Mechanical Engineering, 14(2), 41-54.


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