The Impact of Leadership Styles on Teachers' Motivation and Job Performance in Selected Mission and Public Secondary Schools in Monze District, Southern Province, Zambia

Irudayammal Ezhilarasi Augustine*, Rita Rebekah**
* DMI St. Eugene University, Lusaka, Zambia.
** St. Xavier's College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:July - September'2024


This paper focused on the impact of leadership styles on teachers' motivation and job performance in educational institutions. It was supported by established theories of leadership and motivation, in particular, transformational, transactional, and laisses-faire leadership styles were explored to understand their influence on teachers' motivation and their overall job performance. A descriptive research design and quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The results revealed that the transformational leadership styles were most effective in creating a motivating work environment, while transactional leadership, less influential, still played a notable role. It recommended that the schools should invest in leadership trainings focused on transformational leadership and incorporate the elements of transactional leadership for structure and accountability. Further, it recommends that the schools should encourage collaborative decision-making, implement mentorship programs, provide opportunities for professional development, and establish regular performance evaluations that focus on growth. The findings of the study would help educational leaders to create a supportive and motivating environment that enhances teachers' performance, ultimately contributing to improved student outcomes.


Leadership Styles, Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Laissez-Faire Leadership, Teachers' Motivation, Job Performance, Educational Leadership.

How to Cite this Article?

Augustine, I. E., and Rebekah, R. (2024). The Impact of Leadership Styles on Teachers' Motivation and Job Performance in Selected Mission and Public Secondary Schools in Monze District, Southern Province, Zambia. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 18(1), 17-23.


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