The Role of E-Procurement for Sustainable Supply Chain Management: The Case of Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA)

Jones Abraham Gwiriza*, Godfrey Sekula Mpundu**
*-** DMI St. Eugene University, Zambia, Africa.
Periodicity:May - August'2024


This study has assessed the potential of e-procurement in improving the sustainability of the MRA's supply chain. According to the results of the study, e-procurement can enhance transparency by 70%, reduce manual errors by 50%, and make staff more efficient by 60%. These improvements therefore allow better monitoring of supplier practices and increased attention to strategic activities, which involve greater consideration of sustainability issues within the practices concerned. It is further envisioned to increase stakeholder engagement by 65%, which will yield improved information and sustainability-driven procurement decisions. A cost-benefit analysis indicates a likely cost reduction of 40% in five years, thus further consolidating the financial case for e-procurement. From these observations, it seems that MRA's shift to e-procurement is likely to successfully enhance supply chain sustainability so that procurement practices are oriented towards the set national goals of sustainability and contribute towards sustainable development in Malawi.


E-Procurement, Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA), Manual Errors, Transparency, Efficient.

How to Cite this Article?

Gwiriza, J. A., and Mpundu, G. S. (2024). The Role of E-Procurement for Sustainable Supply Chain Management: The Case of Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA). i-manager's Journal on Economics & Commerce, 4(2), 7-12.


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