A Study of Intervention Math Labs and STAAR Math Growth Scores in a South Texas Rural Middle School

Yvonne J. Munoz*, Linda Challoo**, Don Jones***
*-*** Texas A & M University, Kingsville, United States.
Periodicity:July - September'2024


The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has implemented a student accountability system that measures students' performance on the State of Texas Assessment for Academic Readiness (STAAR) in several content areas. Therefore, teachers and administrators all over the state are always seeking ways to ensure that students are academically well prepared. Every school year, several middle school students struggle with mathematics. Teachers then provide the assistance needed to help those students close the gaps in their learning through the Response to Intervention (RTI) system. Additional measures are taken to provide that assistance, such as incorporating intervention math labs into a school day and offering that class to struggling students. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the difference between taking a math lab over a period of three years and whether it aided in improving students STAAR math growth performance scores from grades sixth through eighth. The sample for the study included 30 students who were enrolled consecutively for three school calendar years from 2016-2019. The selected students' STAAR math growth performance data was examined closely from year to year. The data included students who took a math intervention lab and students who did not take a math intervention lab. The data of both groups were compared. After the study was concluded, it was found that there was a statistically significance difference between students STAAR math performance growth data from sixth through eighth grade. Students in both groups showed gains in their assessments, but students who were enrolled in a math intervention lab demonstrated more growth, therefore indicating that those students benefitted from taking a math intervention lab. The findings of this study inform administrators, educators, and future researchers about the STAAR math performance when students are given an additional math class in order to receive targeted interventions. The findings help administrators decide whether intervention math labs should be implemented into the school daily schedule.


Texas Education Agency (TEA), STAAR, Mathematics, Response to Intervention (RTI), Math Lab, Growth Performance, Intervention, Achievement Gap.

How to Cite this Article?

Munoz, Y. J., Challoo, L., and Jones, D. (2024). A Study of Intervention Math Labs and STAAR Math Growth Scores in a South Texas Rural Middle School. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 21(2), 9-18.


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