Love and Belonging: Strategies to help Mentally ill Patients

Shirin Rahim*
*M.Sc N, Aga Khan University, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Karachi.
Periodicity:November - January'2013


Love and belonging is a concept, used by Abraham Maslow (a humanistic psychologist) in his motivation theory. Love and belonging is one of the human needs in Maslow’s hierarchy and required to be fulfilled in order to achieve self actualization. According to Lisbeth (2003) “Because of the social nature of humans and the long developmental period from birth to adulthood, the need for love and belonging is closely linked to the need for survival” (p.128). If a child is left with unmet need of love and belonging he may feel difficulties in forming lasting relations in future also and may get deprived of love and belongingness for all of his life. This deprivation can lead to unhealthy personality development and affect person’s mental health adversely. This concept is very well explained in choice theory given by William Glasser (1998).The choice theory states that “we are driven by our genes to satisfy five basic needs: survival, love and belonging, power, freedom and fun. In practice, the most important need is love and belonging, as it is a requisite for satisfying all of the needs.” Glasser (1998) further says that “Choice theory, replaces Seven Caring Habits, with the Seven Deadly Habits.” This paper will attempt to integrate the choice theory, with one of the patient’s scenario and suggest evidenced based implementation strategies to help such patients.


Love and Belonging, Choice Theory, Maslow's Hierarchy of Basic Human Needs.

How to Cite this Article?

Rahim, S. (2013). Love and Belonging: Strategies to help Mentally ill Patients. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 2(4), 34-37.


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