This study examines the influence of partnership marketing on organizational performance using the Copyright Society of Malawi as the case study. Partnership marketing involves the strategic collaboration between organizations with the aim of reaching mutually beneficial goals. This study aims to delve deeper into understanding the correlation between partnership marketing and organizational performance in the context of the Copyright Society of Malawi. This study used a mixed-methods approach that incorporated both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The quantitative approach helped in quantifying the financial aspects of partnership marketing initiatives through the financial reports of the Copyright Society of Malawi, while the qualitative approach assisted in gathering data through interviews that were conducted with the key stakeholders. The findings indicated that there is a positive relationship between partnership marketing initiatives such as co-promotion and organizational performance such as revenue growth, brand awareness, cost savings, and customer acquisition. The findings also revealed that co-promotion, as one of the strategies under partnership marketing, is among the most effective approaches that COSOMA has implemented to achieve its specified objectives. Partnership marketing has significantly enhanced COSOMA's cost efficiency, it has also increased their revenue generation, enhancing their customer acquisition and brand visibility. Despite the benefits that COSOMA has experienced through the implementation of partnership marketing initiatives, one of the challenges that was encountered was partnering with organizations that did not prioritize their agreed objectives, and this posed a hindrance towards achieving their set objectives. It was also noted that choosing the right partners is of paramount importance, as failure to do so can be detrimental for the organizations.