Biosensors for Early Diagnosis and Automated Drug Delivery in Pancreatic Cancer

Anand S.*
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Infant Jesus College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2024


Pancreatic cancer remains one of the most challenging malignancies to diagnose and treat effectively, resulting in poor patient outcomes due to late-stage detection and limited therapeutic options. The emergence of biosensors has revolutionized cancer diagnosis and therapy, providing new avenues for early detection and personalized treatment. This paper explores the development and integration of biosensors within a unique expert system for pancreatic cancer diagnosis and drug delivery automation. It discusses the principles, types, and applications of biosensors in pancreatic cancer diagnosis, their role in automating drug delivery, and the design of an expert system that leverages these technologies to enhance patient outcomes.


Pancreatic Cancer, Biosensors, Early Detection, Personalized Treatment, Cancer Diagnosis, Drug Delivery, Automation, Expert System, Biomarkers, Nanotechnology, Machine Learning, Real-Time Monitoring, Patient Outcomes, Therapeutic Options, Diagnostic Technology.

How to Cite this Article?

Anand, S. (2024). Biosensors for Early Diagnosis and Automated Drug Delivery in Pancreatic Cancer. i-manager’s Journal on Embedded Systems, 12(2), 32-45.


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