Examining the level of workplace spirituality among employees of Indian MSMEs

Sapna Rani*
Periodicity:July - September'2024


The concept of spirituality has existed for a long time, but the integration of spirituality in the workplace is a recent development that is still in its early stages. Recently, it has been a matter of interest in the field of management science as firms have come to recognize that employees are not content with materialistic rewards such as money, and are seeking more fulfilment. Firms must ensure that their staff members bring their entire selves to work rather than simply their muscles and intellect.  Therefore, spirituality should be productively incorporated into the workplace. Thus, recognising the importance of workplace spirituality; the present study investigated the level of workplace spirituality among employees of Indian MSMEs by taking a sample of 470 employees.  The findings of the study revealed that out of 470 employees, the majority of employees i.e. 316(67.20%) have a low to moderate level of workplace spirituality. Therefore, organizations must establish a conducive climate that allows employees to maintain a harmonious balance between work and their personal lives, ensuring that their work does not conflict with their fundamental nature and their aspiration to live fulfilling lives as individuals.


Workplace spirituality, MSMEs, Uttarakhand, Chi-square

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