The central dimension of human personality is extroversion and introversion, the present study is therefore focussed on the relationship between creativity and extraversion and introversion personality traits. A teacher can identify extrovertism and introvertism among the students easily on the basis of their behaviour and habits. Teacher can also identify the relationship between creativity and these personality traits. This is the basic reason behind the present study undertaken by the investigator. In the present study, the data is collected randomly from ten schools; the total number of the students taken for the investigation are 100. The researcher selected Baqar Mehdi’s Creativity Test and Dr. Jai Prakash’s Diagnostic Test for Introversion and Extraversion in the present investigation. The data is analyzed by way of mean, standard deviation, critical ratio and Co-efficient of co-relation. The results are discussed and the conclusions are drawn. On overall observation of the study of some educational implications are also given. This research denies any relationship between creativity of extroverts and introverts, which will help all the person related to the student’s personality development.


To Study The Relationship Between Creativity & Personality Among Highschool Students

Shaheen Perveen*, Dr. Shaikh Imran Ramzan**
* Principal, DSR College of Education, Aurangabad.
** Marathwada College of Education, Aurangabad.
Periodicity:November - January'2013


The central dimension of human personality is extroversion and introversion, the present study is therefore focussed on the relationship between creativity and extraversion and introversion personality traits. A teacher can identify extrovertism and introvertism among the students easily on the basis of their behaviour and habits. Teacher can also identify the relationship between creativity and these personality traits. This is the basic reason behind the present study undertaken by the investigator. In the present study, the data is collected randomly from ten schools; the total number of the students taken for the investigation are 100. The researcher selected Baqar Mehdi’s Creativity Test and Dr. Jai Prakash’s Diagnostic Test for Introversion and Extraversion in the present investigation. The data is analyzed by way of mean, standard deviation, critical ratio and Co-efficient of co-relation. The results are discussed and the conclusions are drawn. On overall observation of the study of some educational implications are also given. This research denies any relationship between creativity of extroverts and introverts, which will help all the person related to the student’s personality development.


Creativity, introvert personality, extrovert personality, high school students

How to Cite this Article?

Shaheen Parveen and Shaikh Imran Ramzan (2013). To Study The Relationship Between Creativity & Personality Among Highschool Students. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 6(3), 50-55.


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