A school counselor’s work environment is diverse by virtue of the student population that attends the school setting, yet it is possible that school counselors may not be prepared to deal with a diverse population. As part of counselor training a course in multicultural counseling is offered so that counseling students become familiar with the competencies and knowledge that help develop multicultural competency. Counselors are ethically mandated to remain multiculturally competent as they progress in their chosen profession. The perception of being multiculturally competent is different than being multiculturally competent. This article will examine the importance of school counselors maintaining their multicultural competency and will examine school counselor’s perception of their own skills, attitudes, and knowledge about multicultural competency.


School Counselor Perception of their Multicultural Competency

Mary G. Mayorga*, Karen Furgerson**, Katrina Cook***, Elizabeth Ann****
*-*** Texas A&M University, San Antonio.
**-**** Texas A&M University, Kingsville.
Periodicity:November - January'2013
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.6.3.2092


A school counselor’s work environment is diverse by virtue of the student population that attends the school setting, yet it is possible that school counselors may not be prepared to deal with a diverse population. As part of counselor training a course in multicultural counseling is offered so that counseling students become familiar with the competencies and knowledge that help develop multicultural competency. Counselors are ethically mandated to remain multiculturally competent as they progress in their chosen profession. The perception of being multiculturally competent is different than being multiculturally competent. This article will examine the importance of school counselors maintaining their multicultural competency and will examine school counselor’s perception of their own skills, attitudes, and knowledge about multicultural competency.


How to Cite this Article?

Mary G. Mayorga, Farahnaz Azizi Tas Ahmadi, Katrina Cook and Elizabeth Ann Wardle (2013). School Counselor’s Perception Of Their Multicultural Competency. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 6(3), 41-49. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.6.3.2092


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