Addressing Bioprinting Challenges in Tissue Engineering

Sri Manoj Kumar N.*, Atheena Milagi Pandian S.**, Rashika Murugan***, Sudherson M.****
*-****Atheenapandian Private Limited, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:April - June'2024


This paper discusses the current challenges and potential solutions in the field of bioprinting tissues and organs. It highlights that most bioprinted tissues are small, composed of few cell types, lack vascular systems, and have limited functionality. This paper emphasizes the need to develop methods to obtain various functional cell types, create vascular systems for nutrient delivery, and enhance the size and capabilities of 3D-printed tissue structures. Additionally, it explores the advancements in nanorobots in the medical field, focusing on their unique properties and applications in various medical areas like cancer, cardiology, and neurology.


Bioprinting, Tissue Engineering, Vascular System, Biocompatible, Bio Ink, Vascularization, Nanorobots, 3D- Printed Tissue Structures.

How to Cite this Article?

Kumar, N. S. M., Pandian, S. A. M., Murugan, R., and Sudherson, M. (2024). Addressing Bioprinting Challenges in Tissue Engineering. i-manager’s Journal on Material Science, 12(1), 1-11.


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