From Text to Visual: Analyzing the Influence of Graphic Design on English Language Storytelling

Zahra Sadat Roozafzai*, Parisa Zaeri**
* ACECR Institute of Higher Education, Isfahan, Iran.
** University of Bauhaus, Weimar, Germany.
Periodicity:May - August'2024


This paper employs a mixed-method design to examine the impact of graphic design elements on reader engagement, comprehension, and overall experience in English language storytelling. Through a series of carefully controlled experiments, participants are exposed to different versions of the same short story, each featuring varying levels of graphic design integration, including typography, layout, color, and imagery. By comparing participant responses across these conditions, the study seeks to uncover how graphic design can either enhance or detract from the narrative experience. Results from the experiments demonstrate that strategically incorporating graphic design elements can significantly improve reader engagement and comprehension, thereby transforming the storytelling landscape. This paper contributes to a deeper understanding of the dynamic relationship between graphic design and English language storytelling, underscoring the potential of this interdisciplinary collaboration to redefine and expand the boundaries of narrative expression.


Graphic Design, English Language Storytelling, Narrative Forms, Typography, Layout, Color, Imagery, Reader Engagement, Comprehension.

How to Cite this Article?

Roozafzai, Z. S., and Zaeri, P. (2024). From Text to Visual: Analyzing the Influence of Graphic Design on English Language Storytelling. i-manager’s Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences, 4(2), 50-61.


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