Deep learning algorithms have simplified the process of creating indistinguishable synthetic videos, or deep fakes, because of the unparalleled increase in processing power. It is concerning because these face-swapped manipulations are often used in a variety of contexts, such as blackmail and political manipulation. This paper presents a revolutionary deep learning-based approach to accurately discriminating between real and Artificial Intelligence (AI)-generated false films. Using a ResNext Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for frame-level feature extraction, this method makes use of an automated mechanism intended to identify replacement and re-enactment deep fakes. A Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) equipped with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) training is utilized to classify videos and distinguish between real and modified ones. The system demonstrates the effectiveness of a straightforward and reliable methodology, in addition to utilizing complex neural network topologies. Through testing, this paper showcases how well the system can accurately identify videos playing a crucial role in ongoing initiatives to combat the increasing dangers posed by the proliferation of deep fake content in society.