A Teacher’s Perception and Practice of Assessing the Reading Skills of Young Learners - A study from Pakistan

Shaheena Sulaiman Lalani*, Sherwin Rodrigues**
* Research Officer, Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development, Pakistan.
** Assistant Professor, Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development, Pakistan.
Periodicity:October - December'2012
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jelt.2.4.2068


This collaborative action research aimed to explore some classroom-based assessment strategies to assess the reading skills of young children. This article presents the findings of the pre-intervention stage as part of an action research study where a teacher’s perception and practice of assessing the reading skills of young learners were explored. The research participants included one early years’ English Language teacher along with four students of grade II as a focused group. Data were generated through observations, semi-structured interviews, document review and a reflective diary maintained by the researcher. The findings revealed that a teacher’s belief and perception influenced her choice of assessment strategies and also her practice of reading assessment in the classroom. The teacher believed that assessment led to perfection in the reading skills of young learners. For her, assessment was undertaken to polish the weak areas of children’s reading. Once the weak area was identified, children needed rigorous practice of the specific area until they gained mastery in it. Moreover, it was found that the teacher applied multiple assessment strategies to assess the reading skills of her children but she had her own perceptions and purposes for choosing a particular assessment strategy which may or may not be supported by the research and literature on reading and assessment of young learners. Based on the findings, recommendations are given for teachers, teacher educators and early childhood practitioners.


Reading skills, young language learners, classroom-based assessment, English as a foreign language, teachers’ beliefs and practices.

How to Cite this Article?

Lalani, S. S., and Rodrigues, S. (2012). A Teacher's Perception And Practice Of Assessing The Reading Skills Of Young Learners - A Study From Pakistan. i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 2(4), 23-33. https://doi.org/10.26634/jelt.2.4.2068


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