The ability of a person to plan, monitor, assess, and modify their own behavioural patterns in order to more skillfully address challenges is known as metacognition. Although it is only described as "thinking about thinking," active thought monitoring and modification make it much more than that. The ability to think critically, solve problems, and be self- aware are all prerequisites for this type of self-regulation. When it came to meaningful learning, most students mainly relied on rote learning. Despite the significance of metacognitive thinking skills in the process of learning, the acquisition of these abilities is not widely emphasized in classrooms today. The majority of instructors place a lot of emphasis on the subject matter while paying little consideration to how their students are absorbing it. Pupils who possess Metacognitive Skills are able to identify their own cognitive capacities, take charge of their education, evaluate their own progress, understand the reasons behind their achievements and shortcomings, and pick up new techniques. Therefore, it is essential for the teacher to assist the student in growing their Metacognitive abilities. The practice of metacognitive skills in the classroom makes them autonomous learners. The students by learning this skills are able to monitor their own Knowledge, evaluate themselves and are able to take independent decision in the future life. Metacognitive Skills helps the students to develop self efficacy which in turn help the students to excel in their academic achievement.