E-learning teacher training courses for differentiated instruction in multicultural classrooms: reflections upon the participants’ experiences

Catherine Dimitriadou*, Eirini Nari**, Nektaria Palaiologou***
* Assistant Professor, School of Education, University of Western Macedonia.
** Teacher, M.Sc in Education, B.Sc in Computer Engineering.
*** Assistant Professor, School of Education, University of Western Macedonia.
Periodicity:October - December'2012
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.9.3.2061


The focus and purpose of this paper is to present an e-learning teacher training course, including its aims and main results from teachers' interviews. The case study presented here examines the effectiveness of an in-service training seminar which was targeted toward teachers at multicultural schools. It concerns qualitative research that stresses interpretative and subjective dimensions of texts which comprise multiple meanings, resulting from multiple readings and interpretations. The structure of the paper is set out in three parts: First, the educational framework within which the study was developed is presented, then, the methodology connected with its development is described, and finally, teachers' replies are presented and discussed. The e-learning teacher training course was created within the frame of an Intercultural Education programme, focusing on differentiated instruction. Participating teachers were asked to create teaching scenarios in the direction of Intercultural Education. Human rights posters were used as motivation for the teachers and the derived scenarios were used for an arts-informed narrative inquiry aimed at investigating the teachers’ knowledge on how to exploit resources as intercultural storytellers through media texts. The study also sets a framework for the development of visual literacy practices in multicultural classrooms, thus enhancing the intercultural competency of teachers.


E-Learning, Differentiated Instruction, Intercultural Education, Narrative Inquiry, Teaching Scenarios.

How to Cite this Article?

Catherine Dimitriadou, Eirini Nari and Nektaria Palaiologou (2012). E-Learning Teacher Training Courses For Differentiated Instruction In Multicultural Classrooms: Reflections Upon The Participants' Experiences. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 9(3), 14-26. https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.9.3.2061


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