Using ICT for Training Teachers in Design and Technology Education (TTDTE)

Gisli Thorsteinsson*
Associate Professor, Design and Craft, University of Iceland.
Periodicity:October - December'2012


The paper outlines the TTPTE project (2010-2011) which was based on the need for innovative and effective ideas for increasing the efficiency of teachers' in design and technology daily work.  The project was aimed at finding new ways of how to support in-service teachers in design and technology education and how teachers themselves can upgrade their knowledge and teaching methods by using information and computer technology. The article recognises the development of pedagogy and its application for teaching, studying, and learning by using Virtual Learning Environments based on Computer Supported Cooperative Learning (CSCL).  Virtual Learning Environments (VLE)have given rise to innovative ways to teach and learn.  So far teaching and learning processes have been technologically driven as opposed to pedagogically led.  This can be seen in the context of teachers in design and technology education, where it has been developed for the support of in-service teachers.  The article promotes an understanding of the possibilities of implications of VLE technologies in education for in-service teachers in product design.  It can be shown that when pedagogical considerations are given weight in the development of such technology-based learning services; improvements arise for all stakeholders.


Design and Technology Education, Ideation, Pedagogy, Virtual Reality Learning Environment, TTPTE.

How to Cite this Article?

Gisli Thorsteinsson(2012). Using ICT For Training Teachers In Design And Technology Education (TTDTE). i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 9(3), 9-13.


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