This paper proposes a shortcoming distance finder model for an underground power link utilizing an Arduino Uno microcontroller. The utilization of underground links presents an issue of distinguishing the shortcoming area and the distance of the link issue as it isn't accessible to see as in the event of an above-ground link. Hence, the underground link shortcoming distance finder is created to distinguish the specific shortcoming area and the distance of the underground link issue from the base station in kilometers. The framework will recognize the blamed link underground and will send the data to the control room by utilizing IoT cloud. A 16x2 LCD display is associated with the microcontroller to show the data. In the event of a shortcoming, the voltage across series resistors changes accordingly, which is then fed to a microcontroller ADC pin to foster accurate digital information to a programmed Arduino microcontroller that further displays the exact shortcoming area from the base station in kilometers. The same data will be updated on the IoT cloud. Incidences of underground link deficiencies in the delivery and power transmission framework are inevitable due to several reasons; thus, a rapid correction and, therefore, automatic shortcoming location are utilized to minimize the time to rectify flaws to make the framework reliable by identifying weak areas quickly, resulting in reduced restoration time and interruption. Proper shortcoming finding and identifying approaches are needed to reduce the intervention time issue and improve reliability.