Comparative Analysis of Ventilators and Oxygen Concentrator: Application, Advantages and Challenges

Atheena Milagi Pandian S.*, Rashika Murugan**, M. Sudherson***, N. Aparna****, M. Kriya Sakthi*****
*-***** Atheenapandian Private Limited, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2024


This study compared and evaluated ventilators and oxygen concentrators, two essential pieces of medical equipment for respiratory care. Complex devices called ventilators help breathe by forcing oxygen-rich air into the lungs, on the other hand, oxygen concentrators take oxygen out of the surrounding air and increase its concentration. This paper explores their uses, benefits, drawbacks, and capabilities. Although they need maintenance and skill, ventilators offer precision breathing support that is essential in emergency and critical care situations. On the other hand, oxygen concentrators provide easier supplementary oxygen administration and are appropriate for both home use and chronic diseases, however, they are limited in cases of severe respiratory failure. This analysis makes educated decisions about the best respiratory care practices easier for researchers, legislators, and medical professionals.


Ventilators, Oxygen Concentrators, Breathing Support, Respiratory Care, Chronic Disease, Critical Care Situations, Respiratory Failure.

How to Cite this Article?

Pandian, S. A. M., Murugan, R., Sudherson, M., Aparna, N., and Sakthi, M. K. (2024). Comparative Analysis of Ventilators and Oxygen Concentrator: Application, Advantages and Challenges. Dale View's Journal of Health Sciences and Medical Research, 1(1), 63-68.


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