Energy Conservation In Wireless Sensor Networks Using Node Reputation Ranking

P. Jai Balaji*, S. Anandamurugan**
* PG student, Computer Science Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Erode, India.
** Assistant Professor, Information Technology, Kongu Engineering College, Erode, India
Periodicity:October - December'2012


Heavy traffic load at certain locations in Wireless sensor networks generates hot spots which leads the nodes to deplete energy resources quickly and degrade network services. The Cluster head (CH) have the additional responsibility in collecting and transmitting information. As distance to sink decreases, relay load on CH gets increased.  In order to balance traffic load and energy consumption, CH role is rotated across all nodes. Based on the hop distance to data sink, equalization of node lifetime and reduced energy consumption levels, suitable cluster size is determined by the existing distributed energy efficient clustering algorithm. Here, end to end energy consumption is calculated by the energy efficient multi-hop data collection protocol. Mobile sensor node cannot be arbitrarily chosen as CH and fluctuation in hot spot region is high and mainly sensor node’s unwillingness to serve the network as the CH are the drawbacks. The proposed scheme Mobility Aware cluster head selection calculates node reputation to have better cluster head in the hot spots of WSN. Based on node reputation and mobility rate, node ranking is calculated and the clustering efficiency can be measured  in terms of cooperativeness and mobility of sensor nodes. However, certain sensor nodes have high mobility and certain nodes will be unwilling to serve the network. The proposal presents Mobility Aware Reputation Node Ranking (MARNR) technique to improve the efficiency of clustering at hot spot regions. MARNR identifies the senor nodes mobility rate.


Cluster head, node reputation count, hot spot density, cooperativeness, node mobility

How to Cite this Article?

Balaji, P.J., and Anandamurugan, S. (2012). Energy Conservation in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Node Reputation Ranking, i-manager’s Journal on Wireless Communication Networks, 1(3), 35-40.


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