Audio Encryption and Decryption using AES Algorithm Technique

Viresh Kasheenath Babaleshwar*, Sinchana Karade **, Sakshi N. ***, Anush Naidu ****
*-**** Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, PES Institute of Technology and Management, Shimogga, Karnataka, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2024


Audio cryptography is the practice of encrypting audio data to prevent illegal access to and listening to it. This paper presents an innovative technique of audio cryptography based on the Python computer language. To ensure secrecy and integrity, the suggested system encrypts and decrypts audio signals using advanced cryptographic techniques. A crucial component of AES, the cryptographic key is dynamically created to improve security. Python's broad library support and ease of use make it an ideal platform for implementing the AES algorithm, which ensures dependable and effective audio data encryption. The system utilizes Python's cryptography library for seamless integration and ease of implementation. Simulation results demonstrate the efficacy of the AES algorithm in securely encrypting and decrypting audio data with reduced noise compared to traditional methods.


AES Algorithm, Audio, Cryptography Library, Encryption, Decryption, Python, Key Generation, Cryptographic Techniques.

How to Cite this Article?

Babaleshwar, V. K., Karade, S., Sakshi, N., and Naidu, A. (2024). Audio Encryption and Decryption using AES Algorithm Technique. i-manager’s Journal on Electronics Engineering, 14(2), 8-12.


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