Impact of Soft Skills Awareness upon Practice towards Maximizing Employability among English Graduates in Bangladesh

Robiul Islam*, Happy Kumar Das**, Monjurul Islam***
* Institute of Bangladesh Studies (IBS), University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
**-*** Institute of Education and Research, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Periodicity:April - June'2024


Many students who are pursuing graduate and postgraduate degrees are unable to effectively apply their learning to their daily lives and jobs. As a result, Bangladeshi graduates struggle with the country's high unemployment rate. As a result, it is essential to incorporate soft skills training into the curriculum to ensure how to put students' awareness of soft skills from English literature into practice in real-world situations. Twelve fundamental soft skills, including emotional intelligence, interpersonal, people management, self-management, collaboration, time management, decisionmaking, problem-solving, leadership, critical thinking, and creativity, were identified in addition to the identification of forty-nine subskills. To examine the median levels of awareness and practice of soft skills among English graduates, a paired sample t-test was utilized in this study. A regression and correlation analysis measured the relationship between soft skill awareness and practice. The study triangulated data using a students' survey (323), teachers' in-depth interviews (18), students' focus group discussion (9), and secondary literature. The results revealed that the awareness of soft skills among English graduates had a beneficial effect on their degree of practice. The results showed that by including soft skills training in the curriculum and establishing specific implementation instructions, the employability of English graduates would be maximized through awareness of soft skills. The results have significant implications for Bangladeshi educational policy and practice, and by improving graduates' employability, they help the country's economy thrive.


Employability, Soft Skills, Impact, Awareness, Practice, English Graduates.

How to Cite this Article?

Islam, R., Das, H. K., and Islam, M. (2024). Impact of Soft Skills Awareness upon Practice towards Maximizing Employability among English Graduates in Bangladesh. i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 14(2), 1-15.


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