Review on Multi Bit Flip-Flop Enhanced Shift Register: A Low Power Solution for UART

Swathi Prabhu*, Unnathi H. R.**, Chethan B. R.***, Tejaswini R.****, Vaishnavi A. O.*****
*-***** Electronics & Communication Engineering, PES Institute of Technology and Management, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2023


This paper details the Verilog HDL- based design of UART modules. Developing UART with a shift register utilizing multibit flip-flops proves to be pragmatic strategy for contemporary VLSI circuits. This work supports not only asynchronous and serial communication but also aligns with essential objectives of minimizing power consumption and reducing overall circuit area. Such integration enhances data transmission efficiency while meeting crucial design considerations in modern electronics.


Shift Register, Multi-Bit Flip-Flop, UART, Xilinx, Cadence.

How to Cite this Article?

Prabhu, S., Unnathi, H. R., Chethan, B. R., Tejaswini, R., and Vaishnavi, A. O. (2023). Review on Multi Bit Flip-Flop Enhanced Shift Register: A Low Power Solution for UART. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 17(2), 35-39.


[3]. Javeed, M. (2015). Design of shift register based on multi bit flip flop for universal asynchronous receiver and transmitter. International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJERECE), 1(7), 42-45.
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