Slicing of UML Architectural Models

Sasikala Jayaprakash*, S. Narayanan**
* ME Student, Department of Software Engineering, Velammal Engineering College, Anna University, India.
** Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Velammal Engineering College, Anna University, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2012


Dynamic slicing technique is a proposed technique for slicing the architectural model.  The presence of related information in diverse model parts makes dynamic slicing of unified modeling language (UML).  In most cases UML model need to be converted into intermediate representation.  These intermediate representation forms a data structure to be manipulated by the algorithm of specific goals.  Various intermediate representation and associated algorithms produce results of slicing with its salient effectiveness.  Slicing technique is also used to produce the impact analysis among the various model elements in different architecture diagram.  Specifying the slicing criteria is another aspect which can be observable through the previous works.  This paper summarizes all the previous works with their results and methodology.


Software Architecture, UML, Architectural Model, Dynamic Slicing, Model Transformation, Impact Analysis, MDG.

How to Cite this Article?

Sasikala Jayaprakash and S. Narayanan (2012). Slicing of UML Architectural Models. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 7(2), 34-48.


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