Simulation and Analysis of Single Phase Bidirectional Totem Pole On-Board Charger

Khadim Moin Siddiqui*, Yash Verma**, Shambhavi Tiwari***, Brijesh Kumar****, Manish Kumar*****, Raman Kumar******
*-****** Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, S. R. Institute of Management & Technology, Lucknow, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2023


In the contemporary era, the global rise of two-wheeler electric vehicles has become pivotal for sustainable development and energy conservation. The necessity for an efficient and effective charger for these vehicles is evident. While numerous two-wheeler electric vehicle chargers are available in the market, this research paper introduces a novel on-board charger tailored specifically for two-wheeler vehicles. The proposed charger integrates totem pole ACDC converter and DC-DC converter to achieve unity power factor and ensure constant current battery charging, thereby enhancing overall efficiency. The incorporation of these converters not only improves charging performance but also facilitates a higher degree of energy conservation. This paper delves into the simulation and analysis of this innovative two-wheeler electric vehicle charger. The use of both converters is instrumental in minimizing harmonics injected into the grid, contributing to enhanced grid compliance. The presented findings suggest that chargers of this nature are poised to gain popularity in future, addressing the growing demand for efficient and sustainable charging solutions for two wheeler electric vehicles.


Electric Vehicle Charger, Totem Pole Converter, Isolated Full Bridge Converter, Simulation and Analysis, Constant Current Battery Charger.

How to Cite this Article?

Siddiqui, K. M., Verma, Y., Tiwari, S., Kumar, B., Kumar, M., and Kumar, R. (2023). Simulation and Analysis of Single Phase Bidirectional Totem Pole On-Board Charger. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 17(2), 18-26.


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