Recognizing Human-Object Using Genetic Algorithmfor Face Detection in Natural Driving Environment

*, K.V. Ramanaiah**, P. Mohanaiah***, V. Vijaya Kumar Reddy****
* Assistant Professor, Dept of CSE, NBKRIST, Vidynagar, Andhra Pradesh, India.
** Professor and Chief Superintendent, Dept of ECE, NBKRIST, Vidyangar, Andhra Pradesh, India.
*** Professor and HOD of ECE, NBKR Institute of Science and Technology, Vidyanagar, Andhra Pradesh, India.
**** Director, NBKR Institute of Science and Technology, Vidyanagar, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2012


In this paper to improving driver assistance systems, but it is difficult in natural driving environments due to non uniform and highly variable illumination and large head movements [1]. Various face detection techniques have been proposed over the past decade. Generally, a large number of features are required to be selected for training purposes of face detection system. Often some of these features are irrelevant and does not contribute directly to the face detection algorithm. This creates unnecessary computation and usage of large memory space. In this paper we propose to enlarge the features search space by enriching it with more types of features. With an additional seven new feature types, we show how Genetic Algorithm (GA) can be used, within the Adaboost framework, to find sets of features which can provide better classifiers with a shorter training time. The technique is referred as GABoost for our face detection system. The GA carries out an evolutionary search over possible features search space which results in a higher number of feature types and sets selected in lesser time. Experiments on a set of images from BioID database proved that by using GA to search on large number of feature types and sets, GA Boost is able to obtain cascade of boosted classifiers for a face detection system that can give higher detection rates, lower false positive rates and less training time  but gives higher detection rates in natural Deriving environment.


Genetic Algorithm, GABoost, Adaboost Frame work, Cascade of Classifiers, Adaboost.

How to Cite this Article?

B. Mallikarjuna, K.V. Ramanaiah, P. Mohanaiah and V. Vijaya Kumar Reddy (2012). Recognizing Human-Object Using Genetic Algorithm for Face Detection in Natural Driving Environment. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 7(2),10-18.


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