Secondary School Students' Dropout Risk: A Study of Mixed Methods

Duygu Seyma Avsar*, Cenk Akay**, Haci Ismail Arslantas***
*-*** Department of Educational Sciences, University of Mersin, Turkey.
Periodicity:April - June'2024


The aim of this study is to determine the dropout risk levels of secondary school students and to contribute to the literature by making suggestions to researchers according to the results obtained. For this reason, the research was carried out using the mixed method. For this purpose, the School Dropout Risk Scale was prepared by quantitative methods, and the sample was determined by simple random sampling method. In the qualitative method, a semi-structured interview form was prepared and the sample was determined with maximum diversity sampling. In quantitative data analysis; gender, class repetition, absenteeism status, t-test for the student's work status variable and Anova were used for the school achievement variable. According to the results of the research, it has been determined that the risk levels of secondary school students leaving school are at an intermediate level across the scale and in the lower dimensions of the scale. It was found that all the variables included in the study caused a change in the risk of dropping out of school. According to the students' opinions, peer bullying, low socioeconomic status of the family, lack of interest in school, family pressure for the student to drop out of school, the administration giving unfounded punishments to students, insufficient school resources lead to reasons for dropping out.


Secondary School, School Drop Out, Mixed Method, Dropout Risk.

How to Cite this Article?

Avsar, D. S., Akay, C., and Arslantas, H. I. (2024). Secondary School Students' Dropout Risk: A Study of Mixed Methods. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 17(4), 1-12.


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