Adjustment and Emotional Competence of Student Teachers in Colleges of Education

K. Balasubramanian*, M. Saratha**
* Thiagarajar College of Preceptors (Aided), Teppakulam.
** RVS College of Education, RVS Nagar, Kulathur, Dindigul.
Periodicity:April - June'2024


College life is often considered a vibrant and unforgettable experience for adolescents, providing them with a rich environment, the companionship of friends, and diverse academic and co-curricular activities that contribute to personal growth and preparation for adulthood. Despite the excitement, the reality of college life involves numerous challenges that students face in their daily lives, potentially leading to stress. Un managed stress can negatively impact academic performance. Additionally, the ability to adjust is a crucial aspect of social beings, and individuals develop unique strategies to navigate societal and natural challenges based on their distinct needs. This particular study aimed to explore the adjustment and emotional competence of B.Ed. trainees, examining the relationship between these two factors. The sample for the study included 340 B.Ed. trainees. Overall, the study's findings indicated a significant and positive correlation between the adjustment levels and emotional competence of B.Ed. trainees.


Adjustment, Emotional Competence, Student Teachers, Academic Performance.

How to Cite this Article?

Balasubramanian, K., and Saratha, M. (2024). Adjustment and Emotional Competence of Student Teachers in Colleges of Education. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 17(4), 47-53.
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