Overcoming Misconceptions on 'Gravity and Force' of Ninth Standard Students

Yesh Chogyel*
Khuruthang Middle Secondary School, Punakha, Bhutan.
Periodicity:October - December'2024
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jsch.20.2.20296


Misconceptions hinder and challenge the learning of physics and science subjects in general. This study aimed to identify misconceptions in physics topics, namely gravity and force, and to overcome them through timely and appropriate interventions among ninth-grade students at Khuruthang Middle Secondary School in Punakha district, Bhutan. This study employed a quantitative method using two-tier diagnostic tests as a research tool, with a sample of 40 ninth-grade students. The key findings revealed the existence of common misconceptions among ninth-grade students in the school, which contribute to poor performance in these topics. Furthermore, this study showed that timely and appropriate interventions (such as a flipped classroom approach infused with cooperative learning) led to significant improvement. This approach helped students address misconceptions effectively and perform better in the topics. Therefore, this study recommends that physics or science teachers consider using flipped classroom techniques combined with cooperative learning or other alternative teaching strategies to overcome misconceptions and benefit students.


Misconceptions, Gravity and Force, Flipped Classroom, Cooperative Learning, Intervention, Physics, Ninth Standard Students.

How to Cite this Article?

Chogyel, Y. (2024). Overcoming Misconceptions on 'Gravity and Force' of Ninth Standard Students. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 20(2), 43-50. https://doi.org/10.26634/jsch.20.2.20296


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