Voices of Resilience: A Qualitative Exploration of Blogging as a Resilience Intervention among Young People in the Philippines

Dennis Relojo-Howell*, Mark Hoelterhoff **, Laura Cariola ***
*-*** Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh.
Periodicity:January - April'2024
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jhss.4.1.20295


Psychological resilience has been a topic of ongoing debate in the field of psychology, with a lack of consensus on its definition, operationalisation, and conceptualisation. Meanwhile, young people have been called upon to demonstrate resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LAMICs) where they have been disproportionately affected by the economic fallout. In response to this, this study aimed to explore the perception of resilience and blogging among young people from a LAMIC. Using in-depth interviews with 15 participants, the study identified three main themes: sources of resilience, role of resilience, and process of resilience. Additionally, five main themes related to blogging were identified: what is a blog, video bloggers, advantages, concerns, and experience. The study's findings highlight the importance of understanding resilience from a different demographic, which can influence the development of resilience interventions. This study also provides insights into the potential of using blogging as a tool for promoting resilience in young people. Overall, this study offers a valuable contribution to the understanding of resilience and its relation to digital mental health, particularly in diverse and underrepresented communities.


Blogging, Digital Mental Health, LAMI Countries, Psychological Resilience, Young People.

How to Cite this Article?

Relojo-Howell, D., Hoelterhoff, M., and Cariola, L. (2024). Voices of Resilience: A Qualitative Exploration of Blogging as a Resilience Intervention among Young People in the Philippines. i-manager’s Journal on Humanities & Social Sciences, 4(1), 15-31. https://doi.org/10.26634/jhss.4.1.20295


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