Exploring the Influential Factors of Job Satisfaction of Academic Professionals: A Study on Science and Technology Universities of Bangladesh

MD. Imran Sheikh*
Assistant Professor, Jashore University of Science and Technology, Jashore, Bangladesh.
Periodicity:October - December'2023
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.18.2.20222


This study seeks to explore the factors influencing the job satisfaction of academic professionals at science and technology universities in Bangladesh. Among the different categories of public universities, three science and technology universities were randomly selected from three different administrative regions in Bangladesh for this study. The study's data came from a semi-structured survey questionnaire. This study used descriptive statistics and regression analysis to analyze and explore the different factors of job satisfaction associated with Assistant Professors through the application of IBM SPSS-26. This study identified six different factors of job satisfaction of academic professionals in the science and technology universities in Bangladesh, such as job in general, remuneration, work environment, social relationships with colleagues, payoffs, and work stress-related factors. The findings of the study revealed that RS, PS, and SR had a statistically significant impact on job satisfaction, but GJ, WE, and WS had a direct positive but insignificant influence on the job satisfaction of academic professionals. The findings also revealed that academic professionals' job satisfaction and dissatisfaction largely depend on these aforementioned factors. A variety of respondent perceptions were employed to describe the job satisfaction dimensions of academic professionals. There was some overlap in picking the university category. This study, for example, excludes all categories of universities except the science and technology universities in Bangladesh. The research's conclusions enlighten academic professionals about what really matters in terms of job satisfaction. The results also provide a useful framework for the relevant authorities, human resources departments, university administration, and policymakers by diving deep into the most important aspects of different factors of job satisfaction associated with academic professionals. This research uses theoretical assumptions and empirical evidence to build a complete model of the relationships between various factors in the job satisfaction of academic professionals. The findings of this study have real-world implications since they look into important aspects of current dimensions of job satisfaction among academic professionals that have the potential to affect their jobs.


Job Satisfaction, Academic Professionals, Science and Technology, Assistant Professor, Quantitative Study, SPSS.

How to Cite this Article?

Sheikh, I. (2023). Exploring the Influential Factors of Job Satisfaction of Academic Professionals: A Study on Science and Technology Universities of Bangladesh. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 18(2), 17-31. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.18.2.20222


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