An Overview of Smart Grid Smart Meters with Fault Detection

Shawanti Roy*, Jayanti Sarker**, Sayan Paramanik***, Krishna Sarker****
*,**** Department of Electrical Engineering, St. Thomas' College of Engineering & Technology, West Bengal, India.
** Department of Electrical Engineering, Techno Main Salt Lake, West Bengal, India.
*** Department of Servicing, Statcon Electronics India Ltd, Noida, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2023


Smart meters (SM) arrangement play an essential role in Smart Grid (SG), serving as advanced energy meters crucial for monitoring and managing energy consumption. This paper provides an in-depth exploration of the significance, functions, and technological aspects of smart meters within the context of the SG. Smart meters acquire data from endusers' load devices, offering a comprehensive measurement of consumers' energy consumption. The obtained information is then communicated to utility companies and system operators, facilitating efficient energy management. The integration of control devices and a number of sensors, supported by a dedicated communication infrastructure, enhances the reliability and functionality of smart meters. The paper summarizes hardware model key facets and functions of smart meters, offering a comprehensive view of their capabilities.


Smart Grid, Power Burglary, Smart Meter, Distribution Grid, ATmega328pu, ESP8266-12E, DS3231, GSM(Global System for Mobile).

How to Cite this Article?

Roy, S., Sarker, J., Paramanik, S., and Sarker, K. (2023). An Overview of Smart Grid Smart Meters with Fault Detection. i-manager’s Journal on Electronics Engineering, 14(1), 28-38.


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