Revisiting Flipped Class Model Effectiveness on Learning Performance: A Meta-Analysis of Meta Analyses

Tugba Inciman Celik*, Cenk Akay**, Sedat Kanadli***
*-*** Mersin University, Icel, Turkey.
Periodicity:October - December'2023


This meta-analysis aims at investigating the effect of the flipped class model on learning performance. This research synthesized all relevant meta-analyses related to the flipped classroom model's impact on students' learning performance. The search yielded 32 meta-analyses that were published between 2012 and 2021. The current study analyzed 10 meta-analyses (2018–2021), and these studies comprised 249 (15 outliers were removed) studies and 451 effect sizes. Three moderator variables were examined, including years of publication, publication type, and subject discipline. The results showed that the flipped classroom model had a “medium” impact on learning performance in general (g = 0.636, 95% CI [0.521, 0.751]). Moderators (years of publication, publication type, subject discipline) significantly moderated the impact of the flipped classroom on learning performance.


Meta-Analysis, Flipped Classroom, Learning Performance, Moderator Analysis, Meta Analyses.

How to Cite this Article?

Celik, T. I., Akay, C., and Kanadli, S. (2023). Revisiting Flipped Class Model Effectiveness on Learning Performance: A Meta-Analysis of Meta Analyses. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 19(2), 23-40.


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