Assessing Self-Directed English Language Learning Strategies of YouTube Content Creators

Laurejane B. Piano*, Maria Elaine D. Tabilog**, Camilla J. Vizconde***
*-*** College of Education, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines.
Periodicity:October - December'2023


The emerging interest in self-directed learning (SDL) in the context of language learning has focused less on specific learning strategies selected by language learners based on their discoveries. Anchored on Boyatzis' Theory of Selfdirected Learning (2001) and Classifications of Language Learning Strategies by O'Mally and Chamot (1990), and guided by Clarke's and Braun (2017) procedure of Thematic Analysis, the study aims to assess self-directed English language learning strategies of YouTube content creators. The observational method was used to assess 55 videos which met the predetermined criterion. The results have shown that the YouTube content creators utilized primarily cognitive strategies, followed by socio-affective strategies, then metacognitive strategies. Further investigation has drawn out the advantages and disadvantages of the learning strategies used. The research also determined how the learning strategies used by the content creators could be useful in English classrooms. Despite the successful experiences of the YouTube content creators in self-directed language learning, there are several factors to consider when determining how these can be effective for students learning English.


Self-Directed Learning, English Language Learning, Learning Strategies.

How to Cite this Article?

Piano, L. B., Tabilog, M. E. D. and Vizconde, C. J. (2023). Assessing Self-Directed English Language Learning Strategies of YouTube Content Creators. i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 13(4), 52-68.


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