V/F Based Speed Controller of Induction Motor using Ann Controller - A Review

Vinay Kumar Jain*, Roshni Shrimali**
*-** Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus, Bhilai, India.
Periodicity:July - December'2023
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jdp.11.2.20134


Induction motors are typical motors with a constant speed that do not function at synchronous rates. Industrial mechanical loads must not only be powered but also operated at the specified velocity. Consequently, it is necessary to have ways of controlling the speed of induction motors. Multiple techniques exist for regulating the velocity of an induction motor. The objective of this paper is to critically examine the existing literature on different speed control techniques and evaluate their effectiveness in the presence of harmonics. Specifically, the focus will be on the utilization of SPWM inverter, harmonics reduction, and speed-torque characteristics to identify the most efficient methods. Additionally, the paper aims to explore strategies for minimizing odd harmonics through the use of an inverter.


Induction Motor, Ann Controller, Speed Controller, Voltage Source Inverter (VSI), Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWN).

How to Cite this Article?

Jain, V. K., and Shrimali, R. (2023). V/F Based Speed Controller of Induction Motor using Ann Controller - A Review. i-manager’s Journal on Digital Signal Processing, 11(2), 29-36. https://doi.org/10.26634/jdp.11.2.20134


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