The Gradual and Differential Effects of Direct Instruction Flashcards with and without a DRH Contingency on Basic Multiplication Facts for Two Students with Severe Behavior Disorders

Kevin D. Pierce*, T. F. McLaughlin**, J. Neyman***, K. King****
* B. Ed, Department of Special Education, Gonzaga University
** Ph. D, Professor, Department of Special Education, Gonzaga University, Spokane.
*** Lecturer, Department of Special Education, Gonzaga University, Spokane.
**** M. Ed, Gonzaga University
Periodicity:August - October'2012


The purpose the present research was to evaluate the efficacy of DI flashcards on the math performance of two students with behavior disorders. The number of correct digits per minute was assessed. The outcomes indicated the DI flashcards were somewhat effective in improving the number of math facts that each participant could correctly write. When the participants earned additional rewards for increasing their performance (DRH) over that of the previous session, additional increases in digits per correct per minute were found. The use of DI flashcards with and without a DRH procedure was discussed.


Behavior Disorders,Math Facts,Multiplication Facts,Elementary School Students,Academic Interventions,DRH.

How to Cite this Article?

Kevin D. Pierce, T. F. McLaughlin, J. Neyman and K. King (2012). The Gradual and Differential Effects of Direct Instruction Flashcards With and Without a DRH Contingency on Basic Multiplication Facts for Two Students With Severe Behaviors Disorders. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 6(2), 30-40.


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