Decarbonization: Pathways for a Sustainable Future

Ushaa Eswaran*, Vishal Eswaran**
* Indira Institute of Technology & Sciences, Markapur, India.
** CVS Health, Dallas, Texas, United States.
Periodicity:July - September'2023


Decarbonization, the process of reducing carbon emissions, is critical for mitigating climate change and enabling the transition to a sustainable future. This paper examines decarbonization strategies across the energy, transportation, buildings and industrial sectors. A mix of quantitative and qualitative methodologies, including data analysis, modeling and policy analysis are utilized. Key findings show that while decarbonization requires ambitious policies and investments, the goals of net-zero emissions are technologically and economically feasible through clean electrification, energy efficiency, carbon capture and natural climate solutions. Comprehensive decarbonization must occur rapidly across all sectors to avoid the worst climate change impacts.


Decarbonization, Net-zero Emissions, Climate Change Mitigation, Clean Energy Transition, Sectoral Decarbonization, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Electrification, Carbon Pricing, Climate Policy.

How to Cite this Article?

Eswaran, U., and Eswaran, V. (2023). Decarbonization: Pathways for a Sustainable Future. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering & Technology, 18(4), 1-5.
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